Program Horizon2000 c c Appendix c SHIONO, K., NOUMI, Y., MASUMOTO, S. and SAKAMOTO, M. (2001) c Horizon2000 : Revised Fortran Program for Optimal Determination of c Geological Surfaces Based on Field Observation Including Equality- c Inequality Constraints and Slope Information. c Geoinformatics, vol.12, no.4, pp229-249. c c Fortran77 program for determination of an optimal geologic surface c using both coordinates of outcrops and inclination data. c Revised from N88-BASIC program shown in : c SHIONO,K., WADATSUMI,K. and MASUMOTO,S.(1987):Numerical Determination c of the Optimal Geological Surface - A New Gridding Algorithm for c Geological Data Including Inequality and Dip Information -. c Joho chishitsu (Geological Data Processing), no.12, pp.299-328. c c Basic concepts c (1) A surface f(x,y) is approximated by a set of values f(i,j) c at grid points (xg(i),yg(j)). i = 1 to Nx, j = 1 to Ny. c (2) Location of outcrop (xh(k),yh(k),zh(k)) provides equality and c inequaloty constraints to the surface: c f(xh(k),yh(k)) = zh(k) if lm(k) = 0 c f(xh(k),yh(k)) < zh(k) if lm(k) < 0 c f(xh(k),yh(k)) > zh(k) if lm(k) > 0. c f(x,y) is approximated by quadratic interpolation c using 6 values at neighbouring grid points c (3) Slope observation also provides constrains to df/dx and df/dy : c fx(xd(k),yd(k)) + sin(tr(k))*tan(dp(k)) = 0 c fy(xd(k),yd(k)) + cos(tr(k))*tan(dp(k)) = 0 c where tr(k) : azimuth of max. slope, dp(k) : dip angle c it is assumed that df/dx and df/dy are constant in the vertical. c (4) Surface determination is equivalent to c a constrained optimization problem : c Find the optimal solution f(x,y) such that c objective function J(smoothness of the surface) c = m1*[double integral: (fx)**2 + (fy)**2 dxdy] c +m2*[double integral: (fxx)**2+2(fxy)**2+(fyy)**2 dxdy] c becomes minimum c subject to c f(xh(k),yh(k)) = zh(k) if lm(k) = 0 c f(xh(k),yh(k)) < zh(k) if lm(k) < 0 c f(xh(k),yh(k)) > zh(k) if lm(k) > 0 c and c fx(xd(k),yd(k)) + sin(tr(k))*tan(dp(k)) = 0 c fy(xd(k),yd(k)) + cos(tr(k))*tan(dp(k)) = 0. c (5) The optimization problem is solved by the penalty method : c Q(f;a)=J(smoothness)+ a*R(mean of squared residuals) ---> min c where a is a constant called a penalty. c The optimal surface is a solution of linear simultaneous equations : c A u = b defined by dQ/df(i,j) = 0. c (6) The simultaneous equations is solved by Choleski's method. c c Input data c (a) xh(k), yh(k), zh(k), lm(k) k=1 to NH c location of outcrop : xh(k), yh(k), zh(k) c relation to surface : lm(k) = 0 ; surface must pass the point c = -1 ; suface must pass under the point c = 1 ; surface must pass above the point c (b) xd(k), yd(k), zd(k), tr(k), dp(k) k=1 to ND c location of outcrop : xd(k),yd(k),zd(k) c trend & dip in deg : tr(k),dp(k) c c Output : grid data c number of grid : Nx, Ny c origin of grid : (xmin,ymin) c interval of grid : dx,dy c grid point : (xg(i), yg(j)) c elevation : f(i,j) i = 1 to Nx, j = 1 to Ny c c Note the limitation of array dimension: c mxdt = 1000000 : maximum number of observation data c ngrid = 201 : maximun number of grid (Nx and Ny) c mxdim=ngrid**2 =40401 : maximun number of grid points (Nx*Ny) c mxgrd=2*ngrid+3= 405 : maximum number of half band width c Number of grid points must be smaller than ngrid x ngrid. c parameter (mxdt=1000000,ngrid=201,mxdim=40401,mxgrd=405) implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) character*80 nfg dimension xh(mxdt),yh(mxdt),zh(mxdt),lm(mxdt) dimension xd(mxdt),yd(mxdt),zd(mxdt),dfdx(mxdt),dfdy(mxdt) dimension tr(mxdt),dp(mxdt) dimension xg(ngrid),yg(ngrid),f(ngrid,ngrid) dimension A(mxdim,mxgrd),b(mxdim) c c [step 1]----------observation data---------------------------------- c c list of elevation data c id, x, y, z, l c 0, 9e9, 9e9, 9e9, 99 <- end of file c 1000 write (*,*) 'input elevation data from file' call xyzdt(xh,yh,zh,lm,mxdt,nh,xl,xr,yl,yr,zl,zr) if (nh .lt. 1) then write (*,*) ' error --- no elevation data in file' goto 9000 end if c c list of slope data c id, x, y, z, trend, dip c 0, 9e9, 9e9, 9e9, 9e9, 9e9 <- end of file c write (*,10) 10 format (' Do you have data on slope ?'/ & ' 1(yes) / 0(no) : ', $) read (*,*) idata if (idata .ne. 1) then nd = 0 goto 2000 end if write (*,*) 'input data on slope from file' call dipdt(xd,yd,zd,dfdx,dfdy,tr,dp,mxdt,nd,xl,xr,yl,yr) if ( then write (*,*) ' error --- no slope data in file' go to 9000 end if c c [step 2]----------assign grid geometry------------------------------ c 2000 write (*,20) xl,xr,yl,yr,zl,zr,nh,nd write (*,22) 20 format (' observed data'/ & ' area : x(min),x(max) = ',2f12.4/ & ' : y(min),y(max) = ',2f12.4/ & ' : z(min),z(max) = ',2f12.4/ & ' number : NH(elevation) = ',i7/ & ' : ND(slope) = ',i7) 22 format ('-----assign grid geometry------------',/ & ' area : x(min),x(max) = ', $) read (*,*) xming,xmaxg if (xmaxg .le. xming) goto 9000 write (*,24) 24 format (' : y(min),y(max) = ', $) read (*,*) yming,ymaxg if (ymaxg .le. yming) goto 9000 write (*,26) ngrid 26 format (' grid number Nx & Ny must be =< ',i4/ & ' : Nx, Ny = ', $) read (*,*) nxg,nyg if ( ( .or. ( ) goto 9000 if ( ( .or. ( ) goto 9000 dx = (xmaxg - xming) / dfloat(nxg - 1) dy = (ymaxg - yming) / dfloat(nyg - 1) c c [step 3]----------expand calculation area--------------------------- c 3000 write (*,30) 30 format (' expand area from 0%(original) to 50% in length'/ & ' xexp(%), yexp(%) = ', $) read (*,*) xexp,yexp c nxe = idint( dfloat(nxg-1)*xexp/100.0 + 0.50000001 ) if (nxe .lt. 1) nxe = 1 Nx = nxg + 2 * nxe if (Nx .gt. mxgrd) then write (*,32) Nx,mxgrd 32 format (' n =',i6,' too large! Must be less than',i6) goto 3000 end if xmin = xming - dfloat(nxe) * dx do 310 i=1,Nx xg(i) = xmin + dfloat(i-1) * dx 310 continue c nye = idint( dfloat(nyg-1)*yexp/100.0 + 0.50000001 ) if (nye .lt. 1) nye = 1 ny = nyg + 2 * nye if (Ny .gt. mxgrd) then write (*,32) Ny,mxgrd goto 3000 end if ymin = yming - dfloat(nye) * dy do 320 j=1,Ny yg(j) = ymin + dfloat(j-1) * dy 320 continue c c [step 4]----------calculation of the optimal surface---------------- c c initialize f(i,j) 4000 do 400 i=1,Nx do 400 j=1,Ny f(i,j) = (zr + zl) / 2.0 400 continue c optimal surface 4100 call optimals(f,ngrid,Nx,Ny,xmin,ymin,dx,dy,xh,yh,zh,lm, & mxdt,nh,nhdt,xd,yd,dfdx,dfdy,nd,nddt,alpha,beta, & pm1,pm2,A,b,mxdim,mxgrd,nmat,nband,iflg) if (iflg .ne. 0) goto 9000 c c [step 5]----------output of result to file-------------------------- c 5000 write (*,50) 50 format (' output of result to file'/ & ' file name (grid data) or no (skip) :', $) read (*,52) nfg 52 format (a80) if ( (nfg.eq.'NO') .or. (nfg.eq.'no') ) goto 9000 c lu = 62 open (lu,file=nfg,err=9000) write (lu,*) nxg,nyg,xming,yming,dx,dy do 500 i=1,nxg write (lu,*) (f(i+nxe,j+nye),j=1,nyg) 500 continue close(lu) c c [step 6]----------next work----------------------------------------- c 9000 write (*,*) ' ------------next work---------------' write (*,*) ' read next data = 1' write (*,*) ' change grid = 2' write (*,*) ' change expand area = 3' write (*,*) ' set parameter(reset fij) = 4' write (*,*) ' (present fij) = 5' write (*,*) ' output to file = 6' write (*,*) ' end = others' write (*,90) 90 format (' work number = ', $) read (*,*) nwork goto (1000,2000,3000,4000,4100,5000) nwork stop end c c----------------------subroutine xyzdt------------------------------- c input elevation data: id,xh(k),yh(k),zh(k),lm(k) k=1 to nh c--------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine xyzdt(xh,yh,zh,lm,mxdt,nh,xl,xr,yl,yr,zl,zr) c implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) character*80 nfh dimension xh(mxdt),yh(mxdt),zh(mxdt),lm(mxdt) c write (*,10) 10 format (' file name = ', $) read (*,12) nfh 12 format (a80) c lu = 52 open (lu,file=nfh,err=900) read (lu,*,end=110) id,xh(1),yh(1),zh(1),lm(1) xl = xh(1) xr = xh(1) yl = yh(1) yr = yh(1) zl = zh(1) zr = zh(1) do 100 k=2,mxdt read (lu,*,end=110) id,xh(k),yh(k),zh(k),lm(k) if (abs(xh(k)) .gt. 1.0e+09) goto 110 if (xh(k) .gt. xr) xr = xh(k) if (xh(k) .lt. xl) xl = xh(k) if (yh(k) .gt. yr) yr = yh(k) if (yh(k) .lt. yl) yl = yh(k) if (zh(k) .gt. zr) zr = zh(k) if (zh(k) .lt. zl) zl = zh(k) 100 continue 110 nh = k - 1 write (*,14) nh 14 format (' number of elevation data : NH = ',i7) close(lu) return c 900 write (*,90) nfh 90 format (' error at open file ',a80) nh = 0 return end c c----------------------subroutine dipdt-------------------------------------- c input trend of max. sloep & dip angle: id,xd(k),yd(k),zd(k),tr(k),dp(k) c k=1 to nd c---------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine dipdt(xd,yd,zd,dfdx,dfdy,tr,dp,mxdt,nd,xl,xr,yl,yr) c implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) character*80 nfd dimension xd(mxdt),yd(mxdt),zd(mxdt),dfdx(mxdt),dfdy(mxdt) dimension tr(mxdt),dp(mxdt) pi = 3.14159265358979/180.0 c write (*,10) 10 format (' file name = ', $) read (*,12) nfd 12 format (a80) c lu = 52 open (lu,file=nfd,err=900) do 100 k=1,mxdt read (lu,*,end=110) id,xd(k),yd(k),zd(k),tr(k),dp(k) if (abs(xd(k)) .gt. 1.0e+09) goto 110 if (xd(k) .gt. xr) xr = xd(k) if (xd(k) .lt. xl) xl = xd(k) if (yd(k) .gt. yr) yr = yd(k) if (yd(k) .lt. yl) yl = yd(k) c tr : trend of maximum slope clockwise from N c dp : dip angle from horizontal surface c dfdx(k) = df/dx & dfdy(k) = df/dy dfdx(k) = - dsin(pi*tr(k)) * dtan(pi*dp(k)) dfdy(k) = - dcos(pi*tr(k)) * dtan(pi*dp(k)) 100 continue 110 nd = k - 1 write (*,14) nd 14 format (' number of slope data : ND = ',i5) close(lu) return c 900 write (*,90) nfd 90 format (' error at open file ',a80) nd = 0 return end c c----------------------subroutine optimals---------------------------- c Optimal surface determination by outerior penalty method c Q(f;a)=J(smoothness)+ a*R(residual) ---> min c return with c iflg= 0 : determination of surface f(i,j) c iflg= 1 : error at matrix setting (insufficient data) c iflg= 2 : error at simultaneous equations (A : singular matrix) c iflg= 3 : return without calculation c---------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine optimals(f,ngrid,Nx,Ny,xmin,ymin,dx,dy,xh,yh,zh,lm, & mxdt,nh,nhdt,xd,yd,dfdx,dfdy,nd,nddt,alpha,beta, & pm1,pm2,A,b,mxdim,mxgrd,nmat,nband,iflg) c implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) dimension f(ngrid,ngrid) dimension xh(mxdt),yh(mxdt),zh(mxdt),lm(mxdt) dimension xd(mxdt),yd(mxdt),dfdx(mxdt),dfdy(mxdt) dimension A(mxdim,mxgrd),b(mxdim) c nmat = Nx * Ny nband = 2 * Ny + 2 mm = nmat iflg = 3 c (1) parameters : pm1, pm2 write (*,10) 10 format (' ----------parameters---------------------'/ & ' J = m1*[(fx)**2+(fy)**2]+'/ & ' m2*[(fxx)**2+2(fxy)**2+(fyy)**2]'/ & ' : m1 = ', $) read (*,*) pm1 if (pm1 .lt. 0.0) goto 900 write (*,12) 12 format (' : m2 = ', $) read (*,*) pm2 if (pm2 .lt. 0.0) goto 900 c c (2) penalty : alpha for elevation data itry = 0 do 200 k=1,nh itry = itry + lm(k)**2 200 continue if (itry .gt. 0) goto 210 c no iteration write (*,20) 20 format (' no iteration is requied'/ & ' penalty : alpha = ', $) read (*,*) alphamin if (alphamin .le. 0.0) goto 900 alphamax = alphamin ratio = 1.0 nitr = 1 goto 300 c iteration 210 write (*,22) 22 format (' some iteration is required'/ & ' penalty : alpha (min) = ', $) read (*,*) alphamin if (alphamin .le. 0.0) goto 900 write (*,24) 24 format (' : alpha (max) = ', $) read (*,*) alphamax if (alphamax .le. 0.0 ) goto 900 if (alphamax .lt. alphamin) goto 900 write (*,26) 26 format (' number of iteration = ', $) read (*,*) nitr if (nitr .le. 1) goto 900 rn = 1.0/dfloat(nitr - 1) ratio = (alphamax/alphamin)**rn c c (3) penalty : beta for slope data 300 if (nd .eq. 0) then gamma = 0.0 else write (*,30) 30 format (' gamma (beta/alpha) = ', $) read (*,*) gamma if (gamma. lt. 0.0) goto 900 end if c c (4) iterative calculation do 400 itr=1,nitr alpha = alphamin * (ratio**dfloat(itr-1)) beta = alpha*gamma write (*,40) itr,alpha 40 format (' iteration =',i4,' penalty =',E12.5) c (a) set matrix call setmat(A,b,mxdim,mxgrd,nmat,nband,f,ngrid,Nx,Ny, & xmin,ymin,dx,dy,pm1,pm2,alpha,beta,xh,yh,zh,lm, & mxdt,nh,nhdt,xd,yd,dfdx,dfdy,nd,nddt,iflg) if (iflg .eq. 1) goto 900 c (b) solve equation A u = b call bcholeski(A,b,mxdim,mxgrd,nband,mm,iflg) if (iflg .eq. 2) goto 900 c (c) solution f(i,j) do 410 i=1,Nx do 410 j=1,Ny igmt = Ny * (i-1) + j f(i,j) = b(igmt) 410 continue c call Jvalue(f,ngrid,Nx,Ny,dx,dy,Qj1,Qj2) write (*,42) Qj1,Qj2 42 format (/' J1 =',E12.5,' J2 =',E12.5) c call Rhvalue(f,ngrid,Nx,Ny,dx,dy,xmin,ymin, & xh,yh,zh,lm,mxdt,nh,nhdt,Qhres) Qhrn = Qhres/dfloat(nhdt) Qhav = dsqrt(Qhrn) write (*,44) nhdt,Qhrn,Qhav 44 format (' H : data =',i7,' RH =',E12.5,' Error =',E12.5) c Qdrn = 0.0 if (nd .eq. 0) goto 420 call Rdvalue(f,ngrid,Nx,Ny,dx,dy,xmin,ymin, & xd,yd,dfdx,dfdy,mxdt,nd,nddt,Qdres) if (nddt .eq. 0) goto 420 Qdrn = Qdres/dfloat(nddt) Qdav = dsqrt(Qdrn) write (*,46) nddt,Qdrn,Qdav 46 format (' D : data =',i7,' RD =',E12.5,' Error =',E12.5/) c 420 Qj = pm1*Qj1 + pm2*Qj2 res = alpha*Qhrn + beta*Qdrn write (*,48) Qj+res,Qj,res 48 format (' Q =',E12.5,' J =',E12.5,' a R =',E12.5/) 400 continue iflg = 0 return c 900 write (*,90) iflg 90 format (' error iflg =',i3/ & ' iflg= 1 : error at matrix setting (insufficient data)'/ & ' iflg= 2 : error at simultaneous equations (singular)'/ & ' iflg= 3 : return without calculation') return end c c----------------------subroutine setmat------------------------------ c constracts linear simultaneous equations A u = b c A : band matrix A(i,j) = (i, (i-1)*Ny+j) element c b : constant vector (Nx*Ny elements) c--------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine setmat(A,b,mxdim,mxgrd,nmat,nband,f,ngrid, & Nx,Ny,xmin,ymin,dx,dy,pm1,pm2,alpha,beta, & xh,yh,zh,lm,mxdt,nh,nhdt,xd,yd,dfdx,dfdy,nd,nddt,iflg) c implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) dimension A(mxdim,mxgrd),b(mxdim) dimension f(ngrid,ngrid) dimension xh(mxdt),yh(mxdt),zh(mxdt),lm(mxdt) dimension xd(mxdt),yd(mxdt),dfdx(mxdt),dfdy(mxdt) c c initialize A(i,j) & b(i) iflg = 1 do 100 i=1,nmat b(i) = 0.0 do 110 j=1,nband+1 A(i,j) = 0.0 110 continue 100 continue c c pm1*J1 = pm1 * double integral of (fx)**2+(fy)**2 c if (pm1. eq. 0.0) goto 200 call Jx(A,b,mxdim,mxgrd,Nx,Ny,dx,dy,pm1) call Jy(A,b,mxdim,mxgrd,Nx,Ny,dx,dy,pm1) c c pm2*J2 = pm2 * double integral of (fxx)**2+2(fxy)**2+(fyy)**2 c 200 if (pm2. eq. 0.0) go to 300 call Jxx(A,b,mxdim,mxgrd,Nx,Ny,dx,dy,pm2) call Jxy(A,b,mxdim,mxgrd,Nx,Ny,dx,dy,pm2) call Jyy(A,b,mxdim,mxgrd,Nx,Ny,dx,dy,pm2) c c alpha*Rh = alpha * sum of (f(xh(k),yh(k)) - zh(k))**2 c 300 call hmat(A,b,mxdim,mxgrd,f,ngrid,Nx,Ny,xmin,ymin, & dx,dy,xh,yh,zh,lm,mxdt,nh,nhdt,alpha) c c beta*Rd = beta * sum of (fx(xh(k),yh(k)) - dfdx(k))**2 c + (fy(xh(k),yh(k)) - dfdy(k))**2 c call dmat(A,b,mxdim,mxgrd,Nx,Ny,xmin,ymin,dx,dy, & xd,yd,dfdx,dfdy,mxdt,nd,nddt,beta) c write (*,90) nhdt,nddt 90 format (' number of elevation constrains : NH =',i7/ & ' number of slope constraints : ND =',i7) if (nhdt .lt. 1) return if ( (nhdt+2*nddt) .lt. 3) return iflg=0 return end c c----------------------subroutine Jx --------------------------------- c composition of partial block matrix for m1*[(df/dx)**2] c partial derivative at ((x(i+1)+x(i))/2,y(j)) is given by c df/dx = (f(i+1,j)-f(i,j))/dx c double integral is evaluated in a form : c 1/2 1/2 - - 1/2 1/2 j=Ny c 1 1 - - 1 1 c - - - - - - *(1/area) c 1 1 - - 1 1 j=2 c 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 j=1 c i=1 i=2 i=Nx-1 c-------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine Jx(A,b,mxdim,mxgrd,Nx,Ny,dx,dy,pm1) c implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) dimension A(mxdim,mxgrd),b(mxdim) dimension c(3,3) c call cnull(c) c(2,2) = - 1.0/dx c(3,2) = 1.0/dx wmxy = pm1 /( dfloat(Nx-1) * dfloat(Ny-1) ) v = 0.0 do 100 j=1,Ny wy = 1.0 if ( (j.eq.1) .or. (j.eq.Ny) ) wy = 0.5 wt = wmxy * wy do 100 i=1,Nx-1 call block9(A,b,mxdim,mxgrd,i,j,Nx,Ny,wt,c,v) 100 continue return end c c----------------------subroutine Jy --------------------------------- c composition of partial block matrix for m1*[(df/dy)**2] c partial derivative at (xg(i),(yg(j+1)+yg(j))/2) c df/dy = (f(i,j+1)-f(i,j))/dy c double integral is evaluated in a form : c 1/2 1 - - 1 1/2 j=Ny-1 c 1/2 1 - - 1 1/2 c - - - - - - *(1/area) c 1/2 1 - - 1 1/2 j=2 c 1/2 1 1 1/2 j=1 c i=1 i=2 i=Nx c--------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine Jy(A,b,mxdim,mxgrd,Nx,Ny,dx,dy,pm1) c implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) dimension A(mxdim,mxgrd),b(mxdim) dimension c(3,3) c call cnull(c) c(2,2) = -1.0/dy c(2,3) = 1.0/dy wmxy = pm1 / ( dfloat(Nx-1) * dfloat(Ny-1) ) v = 0.0 do 100 i=1,Nx wx = 1.0 if ( (i.eq.1) .or. (i.eq.Nx) ) wx = 0.5 wt = wmxy * wx do 100 j=1,Ny-1 call block9(A,b,mxdim,mxgrd,i,j,Nx,Ny,wt,c,v) 100 continue return end c c----------------------subroutine Jxx--------------------------------- c composition of partial block matrix for m2*[(ddf/dxdx)**2] c partial derivative at (xg(i),yg(j)) is given by c ddf/dxdx = (f(i+1,j)-2f(i,j)+f(i-1,j))/dx**2 c double integral is evaluated in a form (trapezoidal rule): c 1/4 1/2 - - 1/2 1/4 j=Ny c 1/2 1 - - 1 1/2 c - - - - - - c 1/2 1 - - 1 1/2 j=2 c 1/4 1/2 1/2 1/4 j=1 c i=1 i=2 i=Nx c--------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine Jxx(A,b,mxdim,mxgrd,Nx,Ny,dx,dy,pm2) c implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) dimension A(mxdim,mxgrd),b(mxdim) dimension c(3,3) c call cnull(c) c(1,2) = 1.0 / dx**2.0 c(2,2) = -2.0 / dx**2.0 c(3,2) = 1.0 / dx**2.0 wmxy = pm2 * dx * dy v = 0.0 do 100 j=1,Ny wy = 1.0 if ( (j.eq.1) .or. (j.eq.Ny) ) wy = 0.5 do 100 i=2,Nx-1 wx = 1.0 if ( (i.eq.2) .or. (i.eq.Nx-1) ) wx = 1.5 wt = wmxy * wx * wy call block9(A,b,mxdim,mxgrd,i,j,Nx,Ny,wt,c,v) 100 continue return end c c----------------------subroutine Jyy--------------------------------- c composition of partial block matrix for m2*[(ddf/dydy)**2] c partial derivative at (xg(i),yg(j)) is given by c ddf/dydy = (f(i,j+1)-2f(i,j)+f(i,j-1))/dy**2 c double integral is evaluated in a form (trapezoidal rule): c 1/4 1/2 - - 1/2 1/4 j=Ny c 1/2 1 - - 1 1/2 c - - - - - - c 1/2 1 - - 1 1/2 j=2 c 1/4 1/2 1/2 1/4 j=1 c i=1 i=2 i=Nx c--------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine Jyy(A,b,mxdim,mxgrd,Nx,Ny,dx,dy,pm2) c implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) dimension A(mxdim,mxgrd),b(mxdim) dimension c(3,3) c call cnull(c) c(2,1) = 1.0/dy**2.0 c(2,2) = -2.0/dy**2.0 c(2,3) = 1.0/dy**2.0 wmxy = pm2 * dx * dy v = 0.0 do 100 i=1,Nx wx = 1.0 if ( (i.eq.1) .or. (i.eq.Nx) ) wx = 0.5 do 100 j=2,Ny-1 wy = 1.0 if ( (j.eq.2) .or. (j.eq.(Ny-1)) ) wy = 1.5 wt = wmxy * wx * wy call block9(A,b,mxdim,mxgrd,i,j,Nx,Ny,wt,c,v) 100 continue return end c c----------------------subroutine Jxy--------------------------------- c composition of partial block matrix for m2*[(ddf/dxdy)**2] c partial derivative at ((xg(i)+xg(i+1))/2,(yg(j)+yg(j+1))/2) : c ddf/dxdy = (f(i+,j+1)-f(i+1,j)-f(i,j+1)+f(i,j))/dx*dy c double integral is evaluated simply by c 1 1 - - 1 1 j=Ny c 1 1 - - 1 1 c - - - - - - c 1 1 - - 1 1 j=2 c 1 1 1 1 j=1 c i=1 i=2 i=Nx c--------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine Jxy(a,b,mxdim,mxgrd,Nx,Ny,dx,dy,pm2) c implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) dimension A(mxdim,mxgrd),b(mxdim) dimension c(3,3) c call cnull(c) c(2,2) = 1.0/(dx*dy) c(2,3) = -1.0/(dx*dy) c(3,2) = -1.0/(dx*dy) c(3,3) = 1.0/(dx*dy) wt = 2.0 * pm2 * dx * dy v = 0.0 do 100 i=1,Nx-1 do 100 j=1,Ny-1 call block9(A,b,mxdim,mxgrd,i,j,Nx,Ny,wt,c,v) 100 continue return end c c----------------------subroutine block9------------------------------ c partial block matrix derived from dT/df(i,j) = 0 c T(f) = (c(1,3)*f(i-1,j+1)+c(2,3)*f(i,j+1)+c(3,3)*f(i+1,j+1) c +c(1,2)*f(i-1,j) +c(2,2)*f(i,j) +c(3,2)*f(i+1,j) c +c(1,1)*f(i-1,j-1)+c(2,1)*f(i,j-1)+c(3.1)*f(i+1,j-1)-v)**2 c T(f) is given by 3 x 3 elements centering at (i,j) grid c--------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine block9(A,b,mxdim,mxgrd,i,j,Nx,Ny,wt,c,v) c implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) dimension A(mxdim,mxgrd),b(mxdim) dimension c(3,3) c do 100 ip=1,3 do 100 jp=1,3 k1 = Ny * (i+ip-3) + (j+jp-2) if ( (i+ip-3)*(i+ip-Nx-2).gt.0 ) goto 100 if ( (j+jp-3)*(j+jp-Ny-2).gt.0 ) goto 100 b(k1) = b(k1) + wt * c(ip,jp) * v do 110 iq=1,3 do 110 jq=1,3 k2 = Ny * (iq-ip) + (jq-jp+1) if ( A(k1,k2) = A(k1,k2) + wt * c(ip,jp) * c(iq,jq) 110 continue 100 continue return end c c----------------------subroutine hmat-------------------------------- c composition of partial block matrix for elevation residuals c residual dev at obsevation point (xh(k),yh(k)) is given by c dev = f(xh(k),yh(k)) - zh(k) c where xh(k) = xg(i) + cx c yh(k) = yg(j) + cy c f(xh(k),yh(k))= c(1,3)*f(i-1,j+1)+c(2,3)*f(i,j+1)+c(3,3)*f(i+1,j+1) c +c(1,2)*f(i-1,j) +c(2,2)*f(i,j) +c(3,2)*f(i+1,j) c +c(1,1)*f(i-1,j-1)+c(2,1)*f(i,j-1)+c(3.1)*f(i+1,j-1) c--------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine hmat(A,b,mxdim,mxgrd,f,ngrid,Nx,Ny,xmin,ymin, & dx,dy,xh,yh,zh,lm,mxdt,nh,nhdt,alpha) c implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) dimension A(mxdim,mxgrd),b(mxdim) dimension f(ngrid,ngrid) dimension xh(mxdt),yh(mxdt),zh(mxdt),lm(mxdt) dimension c(3,3) c nhdt = 0 do 100 k=1,nh call gridij(xh(k),yh(k),ih,jh,cx,cy,is,js, & Nx,Ny,xmin,ymin,dx,dy,iflg) if (iflg.eq.0) nhdt = nhdt + 1 100 continue if (nhdt .eq. 0) return c wt = alpha/dfloat(nhdt) do 200 k=1,nh call gridij(xh(k),yh(k),ih,jh,cx,cy,is,js, & Nx,Ny,xmin,ymin,dx,dy,iflg) if (iflg .ne. 0) goto 200 call cfval9(f,ngrid,ih,jh,c,cx,cy,is,js,zc) dev = zc - zh(k) if ( (lm(k).ne.0) .and. (dev*lm(k).gt.0.0) ) goto 200 v = zh(k) call block9(A,b,mxdim,mxgrd,ih,jh,Nx,Ny,wt,c,v) 200 continue return end c c----------------------subroutine cfval9------------------------------ c coeficients c(1,1),,c(3,3) and elevation at obsevation point c--------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine cfval9(f,ngrid,i,j,c,cx,cy,is,js,zc) c implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) dimension f(ngrid,ngrid) dimension c(3,3) c call cnull(c) c c(1,2) = (-cx + cx*cx)/2.0 c(2,1) = (-cy + cy*cy)/2.0 c(2,2) = 1.0 - cx*cx - cy*cy c(2,3) = (cy + cy*cy)/2.0 c(3,2) = (cx + cx*cx)/2.0 c(2+is,2+js) = c(2+is,2+js) + cx*cy c(2+is,3+js) = c(2+is,3+js) - cx*cy c(3+is,2+js) = c(3+is,2+js) - cx*cy c(3+is,3+js) = c(3+is,3+js) + cx*cy c value zc = f(xh(k),yh(k)) zc = 0.0 do 100 ip=1,3 do 100 jp=1,3 zc = zc + c(ip,jp)*f(i+ip-2,j+jp-2) 100 continue return end c c----------------------subroutine dmat-------------------------------- c composition of partial block matrix for derivative residuals c residual dev at obsevation point (xh(k),yh(k)) is given by c fx(xd(k),yd(k)) - dfdx(k) and fy(xd(k),yd(k)) - dfdy(k) c where both fx(xd(k),yd(k)) and fy(xd(k),yd(k)) are given c in a form : c(1,3)*f(i-1,j+1)+c(2,3)*f(i,j+1)+c(3,3)*f(i+1,j+1) c +c(1,2)*f(i-1,j) +c(2,2)*f(i,j) +c(3,2)*f(i+1,j) c +c(1,1)*f(i-1,j-1)+c(2,1)*f(i,j-1)+c(3.1)*f(i+1,j-1) c--------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine dmat(A,b,mxdim,mxgrd,Nx,Ny,xmin,ymin,dx,dy, & xd,yd,dfdx,dfdy,mxdt,nd,nddt,beta) c implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) dimension A(mxdim,mxgrd),b(mxdim) dimension xd(mxdt),yd(mxdt),dfdx(mxdt),dfdy(mxdt) dimension c(3,3) c nddt = 0 do 100 k=1,nd call gridij(xd(k),yd(k),id,jd,cx,cy,is,js,Nx,Ny, & xmin,ymin,dx,dy,iflg) if (iflg .eq. 0) nddt = nddt + 1 100 continue if (nddt .eq. 0) return c wt = beta/dfloat(nddt) do 200 k=1,nd call gridij(xd(k),yd(k),id,jd,cx,cy,is,js,Nx,Ny, & xmin,ymin,dx,dy,iflg) if ( goto 200 c c matrix for squred residual of (df/dx) c call cdfdx9(c,cx,cy,is,js,dx) v = dfdx(k) call block9(A,b,mxdim,mxgrd,id,jd,Nx,Ny,wt,c,v) c c matrix for squared residual of(df/dy) c call cdfdy9(c,cx,cy,is,js,dy) v = dfdy(k) call block9(A,b,mxdim,mxgrd,id,jd,Nx,Ny,wt,c,v) 200 continue return end c c----------------------subroutine cdfdx9------------------------------ c coeficients c(1,1),,c(3,3) for df/dx at an obsevation point c--------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine cdfdx9(c,cx,cy,is,js,dx) c implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) dimension c(3,3) c call cnull(c) c(1,2) = (-0.5 + cx)/dx c(2,2) = -2.0*cx/dx c(3,2) = ( 0.5 + cx)/dx c(2+is,2+js) = c(2+is,2+js) + cy/dx c(2+is,3+js) = c(2+is,3+js) - cy/dx c(3+is,2+js) = c(3+is,2+js) - cy/dx c(3+is,3+js) = c(3+is,3+js) + cy/dx return end c c----------------------subroutine cdfdy9------------------------------ c coeficients c(1,1),,c(3,3) for df/dy at an obsevation point c--------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine cdfdy9(c,cx,cy,is,js,dy) c implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) dimension c(3,3) c call cnull(c) c(2,1) = (-0.5 + cy)/dy c(2,2) = -2.0*cy/dy c(2,3) = ( 0.5 + cy)/dy c(2+is,2+js) = c(2+is,2+js) + cx/dy c(2+is,3+js) = c(2+is,3+js) - cx/dy c(3+is,2+js) = c(3+is,2+js) - cx/dy c(3+is,3+js) = c(3+is,3+js) + cx/dy return end c c----------------------subroutine cnull------------------------------- c set c(i,j)=0 c--------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine cnull(c) implicit real*8 (a-h) dimension c(3,3) do 100 i=1,3 do 100 j=1,3 c(i,j) = 0.0 100 continue return end c c----------------------subroutine gridij------------------------------ c find the grid (i,j) nearest to a given point (x,y) c c is=0 js=0 is=-1 js=0 is=-1 js=-1 is=0 js=-1 c +----+ +----+ + + c l l l l l l c l * l l * l l l c +----+----+ +----+----+ +----+----+ +----+----+ c l l l * l l * l c l l l l l l c + + +----+ +----+ c--------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine gridij(x,y,i,j,cx,cy,is,js,Nx,Ny,xmin,ymin,dx,dy,iflg) c implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) c iflg = -1 i = idint( (x - xmin)/dx + 1.50000001 ) if ((i-1)*(i-Nx) .ge. 0) return cx = ( x - (xmin + dfloat(i-1) * dx) )/dx is = 0 if (cx. lt. 0.0) is = -1 c j = idint( (y - ymin)/dy + 1.50000001 ) if ((j-1)*(j-Ny) .ge. 0) return cy = ( y - (ymin + dfloat(j-1) * dy) )/dy js = 0 if (cy .lt. 0.0) js = -1 c iflg = 0 return end c c----------------------subroutine bcholeski--------------------------- c Choleski's method for simultaneous linear equaltion A u = b c See Togawa(1971,1985) for original program. c A : original matrix A is a synmetric band matrix and this subroutine c assumes that each element aij is stored at A(i,j-i+1) in memory c b : constant terms (input) / solution (output) c m : number of unknow c nband : half band width (nonzero elements = 2*nband+1) c iflg : flag of calculation iflg=0 good c iflg=2 A is singular c--------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine bcholeski(A,b,mxdim,mxgrd,nband,m,iflg) c implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) dimension A(mxdim,mxgrd),b(mxdim) c iflg = 2 small = 1.0E-10 nb1 = nband + 1 mnb = m - nband c decomposition A = P'P if (A(1,1) .lt. small) return A(1,1) = dsqrt(A(1,1)) do 100 j=2,nb1 A(1,j) = A(1,j)/A(1,1) 100 continue b(1) = b(1)/A(1,1) do 200 i=2,m ks = i - nband if (i .lt. nb1) ks = 1 kt = i + nband if (i .gt. mnb) kt = m im1 = i - 1 ip1 = i + 1 sa = A(i,1) sb = b(i) do 120 k=ks,im1 sa = sa - A(k,ip1-k)**2.0 sb = sb - A(k,ip1-k)*b(k) 120 continue if (sa .le. small) return A(i,1) = dsqrt(sa) b(i) = sb/A(i,1) if (i .eq. m) goto 210 do 180 j=ip1,kt sa = A(i,j-im1) jp1 = j + 1 kks = j - nband if (j .lt. nb1) kks = 1 if (kks .gt. im1) go to 170 do 160 k=kks,im1 sa = sa - A(k,ip1-k)*A(k,jp1-k) 160 continue 170 A(i,j-im1) = sa/A(i,1) 180 continue 200 continue c solution --> b(i) 210 b(m) = b(m)/A(m,1) do 300 i=m-1,1,-1 kt = i + nband if (i .gt. mnb) kt = m ip1 = i + 1 im1 = i - 1 sb=b(i) do 220 k=ip1,kt sb = sb - A(i,k-im1)*b(k) 220 continue b(i) = sb/A(i,1) 300 continue iflg = 0 return end c c----------------------subroutine Jvalue------------------------------ c Evaluation of J1 and J2 for final solution c--------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine Jvalue(f,ngrid,Nx,Ny,dx,dy,Qj1,Qj2) c implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) dimension f(ngrid,ngrid) c Jx Qjx = 0.0 do 100 j=1,Ny wy = 1.0 if ( (j.eq.1) .or. (j.eq.Ny) ) wy = 0.5 do 100 i=1,Nx-1 Qjx = Qjx + wy * (f(i+1,j)-f(i,j))**2.0 100 continue c Jy Qjy=0.0 do 110 i=1,Nx wx = 1.0 if ( (i.eq.1) .or. (i.eq.Nx) ) wx = 0.5 do 110 j=1,Ny-1 Qjy = Qjy + wx * (f(i,j+1)-f(i,j))**2.0 110 continue Qj1 = (Qjx/dx**2.0 + Qjy/dy**2.0) / (dfloat(Nx-1) * dfloat(Ny-1)) c Jxx Qjxx = 0.0 do 200 j=1,Ny wy = 1.0 if ( (j.eq.1) .or. (j.eq.Ny) ) wy = 0.5 do 200 i=2,Nx-1 wx=1.0 if ( (i.eq.2) .or. (i.eq.Nx-1) ) wx=1.5 Qjxx = Qjxx + wx*wy * (f(i+1,j)-2.0*f(i,j)+f(i-1,j))**2.0 200 continue c Jyy Qjyy = 0.0 do 210 i=1,Nx wx = 1.0 if ( (i.eq.1) .or. (i.eq.Nx) ) wx = 0.5 do 210 j=2,Ny-1 wy = 1.0 if ( (j.eq.2) .or. (j.eq.(Ny-1)) ) wy = 1.5 Qjyy = Qjyy + wx*wy * (f(i,j+1)-2.0*f(i,j)+f(i,j-1))**2.0 210 continue c Jxy Qjxy = 0.0 do 220 i=1,Nx-1 do 220 j=1,Ny-1 Qjxy = Qjxy + (f(i+1,j+1)-f(i+1,j)-f(i,j+1)+f(i,j))**2.0 220 continue Qj2 = (Qjxx/dx**4.0+Qjyy/dy**4.0+2.0*Qjxy/(dx*dy)**2.0)*dx*dy c c write(*,30) Qjx,Qjy,Qjxx,Qjyy,2*Qjxy c 30 format (' Jx =',E12.5,' Jy =',E12.5/ c & ' Jxx=',E12.5,' Jyy=',E12.5,' 2Jxy=',E12.5) return end c c----------------------subroutine Rhvalue---------------------------- c Evaluation of Rh (residuals) for final solution c-------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine Rhvalue(f,ngrid,Nx,Ny,dx,dy,xmin,ymin, & xh,yh,zh,lm,mxdt,nh,nhdt,Qhres) c implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) dimension xh(mxdt),yh(mxdt),zh(mxdt),lm(mxdt) dimension f(ngrid,ngrid) dimension c(3,3) c nhdt = 0 Qhres = 0.0 do 100 k=1,nh call gridij(xh(k),yh(k),ih,jh,cx,cy,is,js,Nx,Ny, & xmin,ymin,dx,dy,iflg) if ( goto 100 c call cfval9(f,ngrid,ih,jh,c,cx,cy,is,js,zc) dev = zc - zh(k) if ( (lm(k).ne.0) .and. (dev*lm(k).gt.0.0) ) goto 100 Qhres = Qhres + dev**2.0 nhdt = nhdt + 1 100 continue return end c c----------------------subroutine Rdvalue---------------------------- c Evaluation of Rd (residuals) for final solution c-------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine Rdvalue(f,ngrid,Nx,Ny,dx,dy,xmin,ymin, & xd,yd,dfdx,dfdy,mxdt,nd,nddt,Qdres) c implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) dimension f(ngrid,ngrid) dimension xd(mxdt),yd(mxdt) dimension dfdx(mxdt),dfdy(mxdt) dimension c(3,3) c nddt = 0 Qdres = 0.0 do 100 k=1,nd call gridij(xd(k),yd(k),id,jd,cx,cy,is,js,Nx,Ny, & xmin,ymin,dx,dy,iflg) if (iflg .ne. 0) goto 100 c residual for (df/dx) call cdfdx9(c,cx,cy,is,js,dx) dev = -dfdx(k) do 110 i=1,3 do 110 j=1,3 dev = dev + c(i,j)*f(id+i-2,jd+j-2) 110 continue Qdres = Qdres + dev**2.0 c residual for (df/dy) call cdfdy9(c,cx,cy,is,js,dy) dev = -dfdy(k) do 120 i=1,3 do 120 j=1,3 dev = dev + c(i,j)*f(id+i-2,jd+j-2) 120 continue Qdres = Qdres + dev**2.0 nddt = nddt + 1 100 continue return end