program bs_horizon c/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// c Appendix c Nonogaki S, Masumoto S and Shiono K (2008) Optimal Determination c of Geologic Boundary Surface Using Cubic B-Spline. Geoinformatics, c vol.19, no.2, pp.61-77. c c Fortran77 program for determination of an optimal geologic surface c using both elevation data and strike-dip data. c c Note: Run a command "ulimit -s unlimited" if you get stack size c error in running this program. c c Producted by Susumu Nonogaki c Last update February 17, 2009 c 1st update(version2): revise the method of knot calculation c 2nd update(version3): change output format of optimal surface c/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// c Basic concepts c 1) A surface f(x,y) is expressed by a tensor product form of Cubic c B-spline functions: c f(x,y) = double sigma (c(ij)Ni(x)Nj(y)) c (i = 1 to mx+3; j = 1 to my+3) c where Ni(x) and Nj(y) are cubic B-splines, and c(ij) are c coefficients multiplied by each tensor product which may be c determined in calculation. c 2) Location of outcrop (xh(k), yh(k), zh(k)) provides equality and c inequality constraints for the elevation of surface; c f(xh(k),yh(k)) = zh(k) if lm(k) = 0 c f(xh(k),yh(k)) < zh(k) if lm(k) < 0 c f(xh(k),yh(k)) > zh(k) if lm(k) > 0 c where lm(k) is a indicator of data types. c 3) Strike-dip information at location (xd(k), yd(k), zd(k)) also c provides constraints for the partial derivative of surface; c fx(xd(k),yd(k)) + sin(tr(k)) * tan(dp(k)) = 0 c fy(xd(k),yd(k)) + cos(tr(k)) * tan(dp(k)) = 0 c where tr(k) is trend of the maximum slope measured clockwise c from north and dp(k) is dip angle from horizontal surface. c 4) The surface determination problem is considered as a following c constrained optimization problem: c Find an optimal solution f(x,y) that minimizes objective c function J(f) which evaluates the smoothness of the surface; c J(f) = m1 * J1(f) + m2 * J2(f) c = m1 * [double integral {(fx)**2 + (fy)**2} dxdy] c + m2 * [double integral {(fxx)**2+2*(fxy)**2+(fyy)**2}dxdy] c subject to c f(xh(k),yh(k)) = zh(k) ; if lm(k) = 0 c f(xh(k),yh(k)) < zh(k) ; if lm(k) < 0 c f(xh(k),yh(k)) > zh(k) ; if lm(k) > 0 c and c f(xd(k),yd(k)) + sin(tr(k))*tan(dp(k)) = 0 c f(xd(k),yd(k)) + cos(tr(k))*tan(dp(k)) = 0. c 5) To solve the problem, an augmented objective function: c Q(f;alpha) = J(f) + alpha * R(f) c is introduced based on the exterior penalty function method. Where c R(f), defined in a form of residual mean of squares, evaluates c the goodness of fit and alpha is a constant called a penalty. c The optimal surface is a solution of linear simultaneous equations: c A c = b c derived from dQ/dc(ij) = 0. The equations are solved by Choleski's method. c 6) The optimal surface can be saved as the form of both function and c grid data. In the case of function output, the coefficients c(ij), c which give the optimal surface, are saved. In grid data output, c a set of values f(ig,jg) is estimated by assigning the normalized c coordinates of grid points (xg(ig),yg(jg)) (ig = 1 to nxg; jg = 1 to nyg) c to the equation of surface. c/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// c Contents of output function c numbera of divisions : mx,my c origin of knots : (xmin,ymin) c knot intervals : hx,hy c coefficients : c(ij) i = 1 to mx+3; j = 1 to my+3 c Contents of output grid data c numbers of grid : nxg,nyg c origin of grid : (xming,yming) c grid intervals : dx,dy c elevation : f(ig,jg) ig = 1 to nxg, jg = 1 to nyg c/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// c Note the limitation of array dimension c mxhdt = 100000 :maximum number of elevation data c mxddt = 10000 :maximum number of strike-dip data c mxgrd = 1001 :maximum number of grid (nxg & nyg) c mxm = 200 :maximum number of division (mx & my) c (set bigger value between mx and my) c mxr=mxm**2 = 40000 :maximum number of rows of matrix A c mxc=(my+3)*3+4 = 613 :maximum number of columns of matrix A c/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// parameter (mxhdt=100000,mxddt=10000,mxgrd=1001,mxm=200, & mxr=40000,mxc=613) implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) dimension xh(mxhdt),yh(mxhdt),zh(mxhdt),lm(mxhdt) dimension xd(mxddt),yd(mxddt),tr(mxddt),dp(mxddt) dimension dfdx(mxddt),dfdy(mxddt) dimension c(mxr) c c----------Input equality-inequality elevation data--------------------- 100 call xyzdt(mxhdt,xh,yh,zh,lm,nh,xmind,xmaxd,ymind,ymaxd, & zmind,zmaxd) c c----------Input trend & dip data--------------------------------------- call dipdt(mxddt,xd,yd,tr,dp,dfdx,dfdy,nd,xmind,xmaxd, & ymind,ymaxd) c c----------Set a region for surface estimation-------------------------- 200 call setreg(mxm,nh,nd,xmind,xmaxd,ymind,ymaxd,zmind,zmaxd, & xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,mx,my) c c----------Solve the simultaneous equations----------------------------- 300 call solve(mxhdt,mxddt,mxr,mxc,xh,yh,zh,lm,nh,xd,yd,dfdx,dfdy,nd, & xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,mx,my,hx,hy,neq,c) c c----------Output the result ------------------------------------------- 400 call cfout(mxgrd,mxr,xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,mx,my,hx,hy,neq,c) c c----------Set next work------------------------------------------------ write(*,*) write(*,10) 10 format("#####Next work#####"/ & "Change input data = 1 "/ & "Change calculation region = 2 "/ & "Change calculation parameter = 3 "/ & "Output result to files = 4 "/ & "End = others"/ & " next work = ",$) read(*,*) ians goto (100,200,300,400) ians c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- stop end c c//////////////////subroutine xyzdt///////////////////////////////////// c Input equality-inequality elevation data. c Data format : id, xh(i), yh(i), zh(i), lm(i) (i = 1 to nh) c End of file : 0, 9e9, 9e9, 9e9, 9 c id : id number (do not have a relation to calculation) c xh(i),yh(i),zh(i) : location of outcrop c lm(i) : relation to surface c 0 <=> surface must pass the point c -1 <=> surface must pass under the point c 1 <=> surface must pass above the point c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Arguments used in subroutine c mxhdt : maximum number of elevation data c xh(nh),yh(nh),zh(nh) : location of outcrop c lm(nh) : relation to surface c nh : number of elevation data c *mind,*maxd : minimum & maximun value of * c/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// subroutine xyzdt(mxhdt,xh,yh,zh,lm,nh,xmind,xmaxd,ymind,ymaxd, & zmind,zmaxd) implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) dimension xh(mxhdt),yh(mxhdt),zh(mxhdt),lm(mxhdt) character*80 flh c write(*,10) 10 format("#####Data input#####"/ & "File name for elevation data = ",$) read(*,11) flh 11 format(a80) c lu=50 open(lu,file=flh,err=999) read(lu,*) id,xh(1),yh(1),zh(1),lm(1) xmind=xh(1) xmaxd=xh(1) ymind=yh(1) ymaxd=yh(1) zmind=zh(1) zmaxd=zh(1) do 100 i=2,mxhdt read(lu,*) id,xh(i),yh(i),zh(i),lm(i) if(dabs(xh(i)).gt.1.0D9) goto 110 if(xh(i).lt.xmind) xmind=xh(i) if(xh(i).gt.xmaxd) xmaxd=xh(i) if(yh(i).lt.ymind) ymind=yh(i) if(yh(i).gt.ymaxd) ymaxd=yh(i) if(zh(i).lt.zmind) zmind=zh(i) if(zh(i).gt.zmaxd) zmaxd=zh(i) 100 continue 110 nh=i-1 close(lu) return c 999 write(*,99) flh 99 format("Error at open file :",a80) stop c end c c//////////////////subroutine dipdt///////////////////////////////////// c Input trend & dip data. c Data format : id, xd(i), yd(i), zd(i), tr(i), dp(i) (i = 1 to nd) c End of file : 0, 9e9, 9e9, 9e9, 9e9, 9e9 c id : id number (do not have a relation to calculation) c xd(i),yd(i),zd(i) : location of outcrop c tr(i),dp(i) : trend & dip in degree unit c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Arguments used in subroutine c mxddt : maximum number of strike-dip data c xd(nd),yd(nd),zd(nd) : location of outcrop c tr(nd),dp(nd) : trend & dip in degree unit c dfdx(nd),dfdy(nd) : partial derivative with respect to x & y c nd : number of trend & dip data c/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// subroutine dipdt(mxddt,xd,yd,tr,dp,dfdx,dfdy,nd,xmind,xmaxd, & ymind,ymaxd) implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) dimension xd(mxddt),yd(mxddt),zd(mxddt),tr(mxddt),dp(mxddt) dimension dfdx(mxddt),dfdy(mxddt) character*80 fld c write(*,10) 10 format("Do you have trend & dip data ? "/ & " : 1(yes),0(no) = ",$) read(*,*) ians if(ians.eq.0) then nd=0 return endif c write(*,11) 11 format("File name for trend & dip data = ",$) read(*,12) fld 12 format(a80) c pi=3.14159265358979/1.80D2 lu=50 open(lu,file=fld,err=999) do 100 i=1,mxddt read(lu,*) id,xd(i),yd(i),zd(i),tr(i),dp(i) if(dabs(xd(i)).gt.1.0D9) goto 110 if(xd(i).lt.xmind) xmind=xd(i) if(xd(i).gt.xmaxd) xmaxd=xd(i) if(yd(i).lt.ymind) ymind=yd(i) if(yd(i).gt.ymaxd) ymaxd=yd(i) dfdx(i)=-dsin(pi*tr(i))*dtan(pi*dp(i)) dfdy(i)=-dcos(pi*tr(i))*dtan(pi*dp(i)) 100 continue 110 nd=i-1 close(lu) if(nd.eq.0) goto 998 return c 999 write(*,99) fld 99 format("Error at open file :",a80) stop c 998 write(*,98) 98 format("Error !! No trend & dip data in file.") stop c end c c//////////////////subroutine setreg//////////////////////////////////// c Set a region and the number of division for surface estimation. c c ----------(150,100) c | | | | In the case of c |----|----|----| xmin,xmax=0,150 c | | | | ymin,ymax=0,100 c (0,0)------------ mx,my =3,2 c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Arguments used in subroutine c *min,*max : edge of calculation region c mx,my : number of division of the region c/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// subroutine setreg(mxm,nh,nd,xmind,xmaxd,ymind,ymaxd,zmind,zmaxd, & xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,mx,my) implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) c write(*,*) write(*,10) 10 format("#####Data information#####") c write(*,11) nh,nd,xmind,xmaxd,ymind,ymaxd,zmind,zmaxd 11 format("Number : NH(Height data) =",i8/ & " : ND(Trend & dip data) =",i8/ & "Data area : x(min),x(max) =",2f12.4/ & " : y(min),y(max) =",2f12.4/ & " : z(min),z(max) =",2f12.4) c write(*,*) write(*,12) 12 format("#####Calculation region#####") c write(*,13) 13 format("Calculation region : x(min),x(max) = ",$) read(*,*) xmin,xmax if(xmax.le.xmin) goto 999 c write(*,14) 14 format(" : y(min),y(max) = ",$) read(*,*) ymin,ymax if(ymax.le.ymin) goto 999 c write(*,15) mxm 15 format("Number of divisio Mx,My must be =<",i3/ & " : Mx,My = ",$) read(*,*) mx,my if((mx.le.0).or.( goto 999 if((my.le.0).or.( goto 999 return c 999 write(*,99) 99 format("Error: invalid parameter input") stop c end c c//////////////////subroutine solve///////////////////////////////////// c Solve the simultaneous equations based on the exterior penalty method. c Q(f;alpha) = J(smoothness) + alpha * R(residual) ---> min c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Arguments used in subroutine c hx,hy : knot interval c c(neq) : solution (coefficients of approximation) c Variables c alpmin,alpmax : initial and final penalty in iterative calculation c nitr : number of iteration c gam : weight of trend & dip data to elevation data c pm1,pm2 : weight of 1st & 2nd order partial derivative term in J c neq : number of rows of matrix A (number of equations) c nbs : number of columns of matrix A (for choleski's method) c A(neq,nbs) : coefficient matrix of simultaneous equations c b(neq) : constant matrix of simultaneous equations c/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// subroutine solve(mxhdt,mxddt,mxr,mxc,xh,yh,zh,lm,nh,xd,yd,dfdx, & dfdy,nd,xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,mx,my,hx,hy,neq,c) implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) dimension xh(mxhdt),yh(mxhdt),zh(mxhdt),lm(mxhdt) dimension xd(mxddt),yd(mxddt),dfdx(mxddt),dfdy(mxddt) dimension A(mxr,mxc),b(mxr),c(mxr) c write(*,*) write(*,10) 10 format("#####Calculation parameter#####") c c----------Penalty : alpha for elevation data--------------------------- itry=0 do 100 i=1,nh itry=itry+lm(i)**2 100 continue if( goto 110 c write(*,11) 11 format("No iteration is required."/ & "Q= J+alpha*R : alpha = ",$) read(*,*) alpmin if(alpmin.le.0.0D0) goto 999 ratio=1.0D0 nitr=1 goto 120 c 110 write(*,12) 12 format("Some iteration is required."/ & "Q= J+alpha*R : alpha(min) = ",$) read(*,*) alpmin if(alpmin.le.0.0D0) goto 999 write(*,13) 13 format(" : alpha(max) = ",$) read(*,*) alpmax if( goto 999 write(*,14) 14 format(" number of iteration = ",$) read(*,*) nitr if(nitr.le.1) goto 999 rn=1.0D0/dfloat(nitr-1) ratio=(alpmax/alpmin)**rn c c----------Penalty : gamma for trend & dip data------------------------- 120 if(nd.eq.0) then gam=0.0D0 else write(*,15) 15 format("R=Rh+gamma*Rd : gamma = ",$) read(*,*) gam if( goto 999 endif c c----------Parameter : pm1,pm2------------------------------------------ write(*,16) 16 format("J=m1*[(fx)**2+(fy)**2]+"/ & " m2*[(fxx)**2+2(fxy)**2+(fyy)**2]"/ & " : m1,m2 = ",$) read(*,*) pm1,pm2 if(( goto 999 c c----------Set knot interval-------------------------------------------- hx=(xmax-xmin)/dfloat(mx) hy=(ymax-ymin)/dfloat(my) c c----------Calculate the number of rows & columns of matrix A----------- neq=(mx+3)*(my+3) nbs=(mx+3)*3+4 c c----------Initialize matrix c------------------------------------------ do 200 i=1,neq c(i)=0.0D0 200 continue c c----------Iterative calculation---------------------------------------- do 300 itr=1,nitr do 310 i=1,neq b(i)=0.0D0 do 320 j=1,nbs A(i,j)=0.0D0 320 continue 310 continue alp=alpmin*(ratio**dfloat(itr-1)) c----------Set matrix b and Ah------------------------------------------ call setbAh(mxhdt,mxr,mxc,xh,yh,zh,lm,nh,xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax, & mx,my,alp,c,b,A,hx,hy,nhdt,neq,nbs) c----------Set matrix b and Ad------------------------------------------ call setbAd(mxddt,mxr,mxc,xd,yd,dfdx,dfdy,nd,xmin,xmax, & ymin,ymax,mx,my,alp,gam,b,A,hx,hy,nddt) write(*,*) write (*,20) nhdt,nddt 20 format("#####Number of constraints#####"/ & "elevation constraints : NH =",i7/ & " slope constraints : ND =",i7) c----------Set matrix Ax,Ay,Axx,Axy and Ayy----------------------------- call setJ(mxr,mxc,mx,my,pm1,pm2,A,hx,hy) c----------Solve simultaneous equations--------------------------------- call choles(mxr,mxc,neq,A,b,c,nbs) c----------Evaluate Rh-------------------------------------------------- call Rhvalue(mxhdt,mxr,xh,yh,zh,lm,nh,xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax, & mx,my,hx,hy,nhdt,c,QRh,QRhav) c----------Evaluate Rd-------------------------------------------------- call Rdvalue(mxddt,mxr,xd,yd,dfdx,dfdy,nd,xmin,xmax, & ymin,ymax,mx,my,hx,hy,nddt,c,QRd,QRdav) c----------Evaluate J--------------------------------------------------- call Jvalue(mxr,mx,my,pm1,pm2,hx,hy,c,QJx,QJy, & QJxx,QJxy,QJyy,QJ1,QJ2,QJ) c----------Evaluate Q--------------------------------------------------- QR=QRh+gam*QRd aR=alp*QR Q=QJ+aR c----------Output the result-------------------------------------------- write(*,21) 21 format("#####Estimation result#####") write(*,22) itr,alp,gam 22 format("iteration=",i4," alpha=",E12.5," gamma=",E12.5/ & "------------------------------------------------------") write(*,23) nhdt,QRh,QRhav 23 format("H : data =",i6," Rh =",E12.5," Error=",E12.5) write(*,24) nddt,QRd,QRdav 24 format("D : data =",i6," Rd =",E12.5," Error=",E12.5/ & "------------------------------------------------------") write(*,25) QJx,QJy 25 format("Jx =",E12.5," Jy =",E12.5) write(*,26) QJxx,QJxy,QJyy 26 format("Jxx=",E12.5," Jxy=",E12.5," Jyy=",E12.5) write(*,27) QJ1,QJ2 27 format("J1 =",E12.5," J2 =",E12.5/ & "------------------------------------------------------") write(*,28) Q,QJ,aR 28 format("Q =",E12.5," J =",E12.5," aR =",E12.5) 300 continue c return c 999 write(*,99) 99 format("Error: invalid parameter input") stop c end c c//////////////////subroutine bspl////////////////////////////////////// c Calculate 4 non-zero B-spline at data point. c 4 basic functions: c bn1(r) = r**3 / 6 c bn2(r) = (-3 * r**3 + 3 * r**2 + 3 * r + 1) / 6 c bn3(r) = ( 3 * r**3 - 6 * r**2 + 4) / 6 c bn4(r) = (- r**3 + 3 * r**2 - 3 * r + 1) / 6 c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Arguments used in subroutine c r : normalized coordinate (0.0 to 1.0) c h : knot interval c ider : order of derivative c bn(4) : 4 non-zero B-spline c/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// subroutine bspl(r,h,ider,bn) implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) dimension bn(4) c if(ider.eq.0) then a=1.0D0/6.0D0 bn(1)=r**3*a bn(2)=(3.0D0*(-r**3+r**2+r)+1.0D0)*a bn(3)=(3.0D0*r**3-6.0D0*r**2+4.0D0)*a bn(4)=(-r**3+3.0D0*(r**2-r)+1.0D0)*a else if(ider.eq.1) then a=0.5D0/h bn(1)=r**2*a bn(2)=(-3.0D0*r**2+2.0D0*r+1.0D0)*a bn(3)=(3.0D0*r**2-4.0D0*r)*a bn(4)=(-r**2+2.0D0*r-1.0D0)*a else if(ider.eq.2) then a=1.0D0/(h**2) bn(1)=r*a bn(2)=(-3.0D0*r+1.0D0)*a bn(3)=(3.0D0*r-2.0D0)*a bn(4)=(-r+1.0D0)*a endif c return end c c//////////////////subroutine setbAh//////////////////////////////////// c Set the elements of matrix b & A (Ah) derived from elevation data. c Ah(ij,i'j') = alpha / nh * sigma (Nx(i)Nx(i')Ny(j)Ny(j')) c b(ij) = alpha / nh * sigma (Nx(i)Ny(j)zh) c (i,i' = 1 to mx + 3; j,j' = 1 to my + 3) c When knot number on right-hand neighbor is 'i', only 4 B-spline c have non-zero values, that is, N(i), N(i+1), N(i+2) and N(i+3). c Using 4 non-zero B-spline, N(i+j) can be expressed as follows. c N(ip+j) = b(4-j) (j = 0 to 3) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Variables c ip* : knot number on right-hand neighbor c r* : normalized coordinate from knot on left-hand neigbor c/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// subroutine setbAh(mxhdt,mxr,mxc,xh,yh,zh,lm,nh,xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax & ,mx,my,alp,c,b,A,hx,hy,nhdt,neq,nbs) implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) dimension xh(mxhdt),yh(mxhdt),zh(mxhdt),lm(mxhdt) dimension A(mxr,mxc),b(mxr),c(mxr) dimension bx0(4),by0(4) c nhdt=0 do 100 id=1,nh if(xh(id).lt.xmin.or.xh(id).gt.xmax) goto 100 if(yh(id).lt.ymin.or.yh(id).gt.ymax) goto 100 nhdt=nhdt+1 100 continue c wt=alp/dfloat(nhdt) do 200 id=1,nh if(xh(id).lt.xmin.or.xh(id).gt.xmax) goto 200 if(yh(id).lt.ymin.or.yh(id).gt.ymax) goto 200 c---Determine knot number on right-hand neighbor------------------------ ipx=dint((xh(id)-xmin)/hx)+1 ipy=dint((yh(id)-ymin)/hy)+1 c---Consider the data on final knot as the one in the final section----- if( ipx=mx if( ipy=my c---Calcurate normalized coordinate from knot on left-hand neigbor------ rx=(xh(id)-xmin)/hx-dfloat(ipx-1) ry=(yh(id)-ymin)/hy-dfloat(ipy-1) c---Calculate 4 non-zero B-spline with respect to x & y----------------- call bspl(rx,hx,0,bx0) call bspl(ry,hy,0,by0) c---Examine whether data is satisfied with constraints or not----------- fh=0.0D0 do 210 j=0,3 do 220 i=0,3 ij=ipx+i+(ipy-1+j)*(mx+3) fh=fh+c(ij)*bx0(4-i)*by0(4-j) 220 continue 210 continue hres=fh-zh(id) if((lm(id).ne.0).and.(hres*dfloat(lm(id)).gt.0.0D0)) goto 200 c---Set b & Ah using 4 non-zero B-spline-------------------------------- do 230 j1=0,3 do 240 i1=0,3 ia=ipx+i1+(ipy-1+j1)*(mx+3) b(ia)=b(ia)+wt*bx0(4-i1)*by0(4-j1)*zh(id) do 250 j2=0,3 do 260 i2=0,3 ja=i2-i1+1+(j2-j1)*(mx+3) if(ja.le.0) goto 260 A(ia,ja)=A(ia,ja) & +wt*bx0(4-i1)*by0(4-j1)*bx0(4-i2)*by0(4-j2) 260 continue 250 continue 240 continue 230 continue 200 continue c return end c c//////////////////subroutine setbAd//////////////////////////////////// c Set the elements of matrix b and A (Ad) derived from trend & dip data. c Ad(ij,i'j') = alpha * gamma / nd c * sigma (Nx'(i)Nx'(i')Ny(j)Ny(j')+Nx(i)Nx(i')Ny'(j)Ny'(j')) c b(ij) = - alpha * gamma / nd c * sigma (Nx'(i)Ny(j)sin(tr)tan(dp)+Nx(i)Ny'(j)cos(tr)tan(dp)) c (i,i' = 1 to mx + 3; j,j' = 1 to my + 3) c/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// subroutine setbAd(mxddt,mxr,mxc,xd,yd,dfdx,dfdy,nd,xmin,xmax, & ymin,ymax,mx,my,alp,gam,b,A,hx,hy,nddt) implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) dimension xd(mxddt),yd(mxddt),dfdx(mxddt),dfdy(mxddt) dimension A(mxr,mxc),b(mxr) dimension bx0(4),by0(4),bx1(4),by1(4) c nddt=0 if(nd.eq.0) return do 100 id=1,nd if(xd(id).lt.xmin.or.xd(id).gt.xmax) goto 100 if(yd(id).lt.ymin.or.yd(id).gt.ymax) goto 100 nddt=nddt+1 100 continue c beta=alp*gam wt=beta/dfloat(nddt) do 200 id=1,nd if(xd(id).lt.xmin.or.xd(id).gt.xmax) goto 200 if(yd(id).lt.ymin.or.yd(id).gt.ymax) goto 200 c---Determine knot number on right-hand neighbor------------------------ ipx=dint((xd(id)-xmin)/hx)+1 ipy=dint((yd(id)-ymin)/hy)+1 c---Consider the data on final knot as the one in the final section----- if( ipx=mx if( ipy=my c---Calcurate normalized coordinate from knot on left-hand neigbor------ rx=(xd(id)-xmin)/hx-dfloat(ipx-1) ry=(yd(id)-ymin)/hy-dfloat(ipy-1) c---Calculate 4 non-zero B-spline with respect to x & y----------------- call bspl(rx,hx,0,bx0) call bspl(rx,hx,1,bx1) call bspl(ry,hy,0,by0) call bspl(ry,hy,1,by1) c---Set b & Ad using 4 non-zero B-spline-------------------------------- do 210 j1=0,3 do 220 i1=0,3 ia=ipx+i1+(ipy-1+j1)*(mx+3) b(ia)=b(ia) & +wt*bx1(4-i1)*by0(4-j1)*dfdx(id) & +wt*bx0(4-i1)*by1(4-j1)*dfdy(id) do 230 j2=0,3 do 240 i2=0,3 ja=i2-i1+1+(j2-j1)*(mx+3) if(ja.le.0) goto 240 A(ia,ja)=A(ia,ja) & +wt*bx1(4-i1)*by0(4-j1)*bx1(4-i2)*by0(4-j2) & +wt*bx0(4-i1)*by1(4-j1)*bx0(4-i2)*by1(4-j2) 240 continue 230 continue 220 continue 210 continue 200 continue c return end c c//////////////////subroutine setJ////////////////////////////////////// c Set the elements of matrix A (Ax, Ay, Axx, Ayy and Axy) derived c from the integration of 1st & 2nd order partial derivative squared c with respect to x & y. c Ax(ij,i'j') = m1 * [integral Nx'(i)Nx'(i') dx] c * [integral Ny(j)Ny(j') dy] c Ay(ij,i'j') = m1 * [integral Nx(i)Nx(i') dx] c * [integral Ny'(j)Ny'(j') dy] c Axx(ij,i'j') = m2 * [integral Nx''(i)Nx''(i') dx] c * [integral Ny(j)Ny(j') dy] c Axy(ij,i'j') = 2 * m2 * [integral Nx'(i)Nx'(i') dx] c * [integral Ny'(j)Ny'(j') dy] c Ayy(ij,i'j') = m2 * [integral Nx(i)Nx(i') dx] c * [integral Ny''(j)Ny''(j') dy] c (i,i' = 1 to mx + 3; j,j' = 1 to my + 3) c/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// subroutine setJ(mxr,mxc,mx,my,pm1,pm2,A,hx,hy) implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) dimension ffix0(4),ffix1(4),ffix2(4) dimension ffiy0(4),ffiy1(4),ffiy2(4) dimension A(mxr,mxc) c wx=pm1*(hy/hx)/dfloat(mx*my) wy=pm1*(hx/hy)/dfloat(mx*my) wxx=pm2*hy/(hx**3) wxy=2.0D0*pm2/(hx*hy) wyy=pm2*hx/(hy**3) do 100 j1=1,my+3 c---Calculate the integration with respect to y------------------------- call integral(my,0,j1,ffiy0) call integral(my,1,j1,ffiy1) call integral(my,2,j1,ffiy2) j22=4 if( j22=my+4-j1 do 110 i1=1,mx+3 c---Calculate the integration with respect to x------------------------- call integral(mx,0,i1,ffix0) call integral(mx,1,i1,ffix1) call integral(mx,2,i1,ffix2) ia=i1+(j1-1)*(mx+3) i22=4 if( i22=mx+4-i1 c---Set Ax, Ay, Axx, Ayy and Axy---------------------------------------- call setJtmp(mxr,mxc,mx,A,wx,ia,i22,j22,ffix1,ffiy0) call setJtmp(mxr,mxc,mx,A,wy,ia,i22,j22,ffix0,ffiy1) call setJtmp(mxr,mxc,mx,A,wxx,ia,i22,j22,ffix2,ffiy0) call setJtmp(mxr,mxc,mx,A,wxy,ia,i22,j22,ffix1,ffiy1) call setJtmp(mxr,mxc,mx,A,wyy,ia,i22,j22,ffix0,ffiy2) 110 continue 100 continue c return end c c//////////////////subroutine setJtmp/////////////////////////////////// c Calculate the individual element values of A by multiply weight c with two kinds of integration. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Arguments used in subroutine c w : weight of element c ia : row number of objective element c i22,j22 : indicator wheather element may be copyed or not c ffix,ffiy : integration value c/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// subroutine setJtmp(mxr,mxc,mx,A,w,ia,i22,j22,ffix,ffiy) implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) dimension ffix(4),ffiy(4) dimension A(mxr,mxc) c do 100 j2=1,j22 do 110 i2=1,i22 ja=i2+(j2-1)*(mx+3) tmp=w*ffix(i2)*ffiy(j2) A(ia,ja)=A(ia,ja)+tmp if(( then iia=ia+i2-1 jja=ja-2*(i2-1) A(iia,jja)=A(iia,jja)+tmp endif 110 continue 100 continue c return end c c//////////////////subroutine integral////////////////////////////////// c Calculate integration of 4 basic non-zero B-spline functions c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Arguments used in subroutine c m : number of division of the region c ider : order of derivative c ia : knot number c ffi(4) : integration value of 4 basic functions c/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// subroutine integral(m,ider,ia,ffi) implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) dimension ffi(4) c c---Calculate the integration of basic functions------------------------ if(ider.eq.0) then if(ia.eq.1) then ffi(1)= 1.0D0/ 2.52D2 ; ffi(2)= 4.3D1/1.680D3 ffi(3)= 1.0D0/ 8.4D1 ; ffi(4)= 1.0D0/5.040D3 else if(ia.eq.2) then ffi(1)= 1.51D2/ 6.30D2 ; ffi(2)= 5.9D1/ 2.80D2 ffi(3)= 1.0D0/ 4.2D1 ; ffi(4)= 1.0D0/5.040D3 else if(ia.eq.3) then ffi(1)= 5.99D2/1.260D3 ; ffi(2)= 3.97D2/1.680D3 ffi(3)= 1.0D0/ 4.2D1 ; ffi(4)= 1.0D0/5.040D3 else if(ia.eq.m+1) then ffi(1)= 5.99D2/1.260D3 ; ffi(2)= 5.9D1/ 2.80D2 ffi(3)= 1.0D0/ 8.4D1 ; ffi(4)= 0.0D0 else if(ia.eq.m+2) then ffi(1)= 1.51D2/ 6.30D2 ; ffi(2)= 4.3D1/1.680D3 ffi(3)= 0.0D0 ; ffi(4)= 0.0D0 else if(ia.eq.m+3) then ffi(1)= 1.0D0/ 2.52D2 ; ffi(2)= 0.0D0 ffi(3)= 0.0D0 ; ffi(4)= 0.0D0 else ffi(1)= 1.51D2/ 3.15D2 ; ffi(2)= 3.97D2/1.680D3 ffi(3)= 1.0D0/ 4.2D1 ; ffi(4)= 1.0D0/5.040D3 endif c---Calculate the integration of 1st order c partial derivative of basic functions------------------------ else if(ider.eq.1) then if(ia.eq.1) then ffi(1)= 1.0D0/ 2.0D1 ; ffi(2)= 7.0D0/1.20D2 ffi(3)=- 1.0D0/ 1.0D1 ; ffi(4)=- 1.0D0/1.20D2 else if(ia.eq.2) then ffi(1)= 1.0D0/ 3.0D0 ; ffi(2)=- 1.1D1/ 6.0D1 ffi(3)=- 1.0D0/ 5.0D0 ; ffi(4)=- 1.0D0/1.20D2 else if(ia.eq.3) then ffi(1)= 3.7D1/ 6.0D1 ; ffi(2)=- 1.0D0/ 8.0D0 ffi(3)=- 1.0D0/ 5.0D0 ; ffi(4)=- 1.0D0/1.20D2 else if(ia.eq.m+1) then ffi(1)= 3.7D1/ 6.0D1 ; ffi(2)=- 1.1D1/ 6.0D1 ffi(3)=- 1.0D0/ 1.0D1 ; ffi(4)= 0.0D0 else if(ia.eq.m+2) then ffi(1)= 1.0D0/ 3.0D0 ; ffi(2)= 7.0D0/1.20D2 ffi(3)= 0.0D0 ; ffi(4)= 0.0D0 else if(ia.eq.m+3) then ffi(1)= 1.0D0/ 2.0D1 ; ffi(2)= 0.0D0 ffi(3)= 0.0D0 ; ffi(4)= 0.0D0 else ffi(1)= 2.0D0/ 3.0D0 ; ffi(2)=- 1.0D0/ 8.0D0 ffi(3)=- 1.0D0/ 5.0D0 ; ffi(4)=- 1.0D0/1.20D2 endif c---Calculate the integration of 2nd order c partial derivative of basic functions------------------------ else if(ider.eq.2) then if(ia.eq.1) then ffi(1)= 1.0D0/3.0D0 ; ffi(2)=-1.0D0/2.0D0 ffi(3)= 0.0D0 ; ffi(4)= 1.0D0/6.0D0 else if(ia.eq.2) then ffi(1)= 4.0D0/3.0D0 ; ffi(2)=-1.0D0 ffi(3)= 0.0D0 ; ffi(4)= 1.0D0/6.0D0 else if(ia.eq.3) then ffi(1)= 7.0D0/3.0D0 ; ffi(2)=-3.0D0/2.0D0 ffi(3)= 0.0D0 ; ffi(4)= 1.0D0/6.0D0 else if(ia.eq.m+1) then ffi(1)= 7.0D0/3.0D0 ; ffi(2)=-1.0D0 ffi(3)= 0.0D0 ; ffi(4)= 0.0D0 else if(ia.eq.m+2) then ffi(1)= 4.0D0/3.0D0 ; ffi(2)=-1.0D0/2.0D0 ffi(3)= 0.0D0 ; ffi(4)= 0.0D0 else if(ia.eq.m+3) then ffi(1)= 1.0D0/3.0D0 ; ffi(2)= 0.0D0 ffi(3)= 0.0D0 ; ffi(4)= 0.0D0 else ffi(1)= 8.0D0/3.0D0 ; ffi(2)=-3.0D0/2.0D0 ffi(3)= 0.0D0 ; ffi(4)= 1.0D0/6.0D0 endif endif c return end c c//////////////////subroutine choles//////////////////////////////////// c Solving a normal equation with choleski's method c See Ichida & Yoshimoto (1979) for original program. c/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// subroutine choles(mxr,mxc,neq,A,b,c,nbs) implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) dimension A(mxr,mxc),b(mxr),c(mxr) c A(1,1)=dsqrt(A(1,1)) b(1)=b(1)/A(1,1) do 10 jt=2,nbs A(1,jt)=A(1,jt)/A(1,1) 10 continue do 15 ia=2,neq iam1=ia-1 if( goto 20 ias=1 goto 25 20 ias=ia-nbs+1 25 tki=0.0D0 do 30 ka=ias,iam1 iat=ia-ka+1 tki=tki+A(ka,iat)**2 30 continue A(ia,1)=dsqrt(A(ia,1)-tki) if( goto 31 jtl=neq-ia+1 if(jtl.eq.1) goto 38 goto 32 31 jtl=nbs 32 do 35 jt=2,jtl if( goto 36 if( goto 34 iasj=1 goto 37 34 iasj=jt-(nbs-ia) goto 37 36 iasj=ias+jt-1 37 tki=0.0D0 if( goto 41 do 40 ka=iasj,iam1 iat=ia-ka+1 jtt=iat+jt-1 tki=tki+A(ka,iat)*A(ka,jtt) 40 continue 41 A(ia,jt)=(A(ia,jt)-tki)/A(ia,1) 35 continue 38 bki=0.0D0 do 45 ka=ias,iam1 iat=ia-ka+1 bki=bki+A(ka,iat)*b(ka) 45 continue b(ia)=(b(ia)-bki)/A(ia,1) 15 continue c(neq)=b(neq)/A(neq,1) neqm1=neq-1 do 50 iat=1,neqm1 ia=neq-iat if( goto 55 net=iat+1 goto 60 55 net=nbs 60 tx=0.0D0 do 65 ka=2,net kat=ia+ka-1 tx=tx+A(ia,ka)*c(kat) 65 continue c(ia)=(b(ia)-tx)/A(ia,1) 50 continue c return end c c//////////////////subroutine Rhvalue/////////////////////////////////// c Evaluate the residual mean of squares between elevation data and c final solution. c Rh(f) = sigma [{double sigma (c(ij)Nx(i)Ny(j)) - zh}**2] / nh c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Arguments used in subroutine c QRh : residual mean of squares c QRhav : square root of QRh c/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// subroutine Rhvalue(mxhdt,mxr,xh,yh,zh,lm,nh,xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax, & mx,my,hx,hy,nhdt,c,QRh,QRhav) implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) dimension xh(mxhdt),yh(mxhdt),zh(mxhdt),lm(mxhdt) dimension c(mxr) dimension bx0(4),by0(4) c nhdt=0 Rh=0.0D0 do 100 id=1,nh if(xh(id).lt.xmin.or.xh(id).gt.xmax) goto 100 if(yh(id).lt.ymin.or.yh(id).gt.ymax) goto 100 ipx=dint((xh(id)-xmin)/hx)+1 ipy=dint((yh(id)-ymin)/hy)+1 if( ipx=mx if( ipy=my rx=(xh(id)-xmin)/hx-dfloat(ipx-1) ry=(yh(id)-ymin)/hy-dfloat(ipy-1) call bspl(rx,hx,0,bx0) call bspl(ry,hy,0,by0) fh=0.0D0 do 110 j=0,3 do 120 i=0,3 ij=ipx+i+(ipy-1+j)*(mx+3) fh=fh+c(ij)*bx0(4-i)*by0(4-j) 120 continue 110 continue hres=fh-zh(id) if((lm(id).ne.0).and.(hres*dfloat(lm(id)).gt.0.0D0)) goto 100 Rh=Rh+hres**2 nhdt=nhdt+1 100 continue QRh=Rh/dfloat(nhdt) QRhav=dsqrt(QRh) c return end c c//////////////////subroutine Rdvalue/////////////////////////////////// c Evaluate the residual mean of squares between trend & dip data and c final solution. c Rd(f) = sigma [ c {double sigma (c(ij)Nx'(i)Ny(j))+sin(tr)tan(dp)}**2 c {double sigma (c(ij)Nx(i)Ny'(j))+cos(tr)tan(dp)}**2 c ] / nd c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Arguments used in subroutine c QRd : residual mean of squares c QRdav : square root of QRd c/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// subroutine Rdvalue(mxddt,mxr,xd,yd,dfdx,dfdy,nd,xmin,xmax, & ymin,ymax,mx,my,hx,hy,nddt,c,QRd,QRdav) implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) dimension xd(mxddt),yd(mxddt),dfdx(mxddt),dfdy(mxddt) dimension c(mxr) dimension bx0(4),by0(4),bx1(4),by1(4) c if(nd.eq.0) then QRd=0.0D0 QRdav=0.0D0 return endif c Rdx=0.0D0 Rdy=0.0D0 do 100 id=1,nd if(xd(id).lt.xmin.or.xd(id).gt.xmax) goto 100 if(yd(id).lt.ymin.or.yd(id).gt.ymax) goto 100 ipx=dint((xd(id)-xmin)/hx)+1 ipy=dint((yd(id)-ymin)/hy)+1 if( ipx=mx if( ipy=my rx=(xd(id)-xmin)/hx-dfloat(ipx-1) ry=(yd(id)-ymin)/hy-dfloat(ipy-1) call bspl(rx,hx,0,bx0) call bspl(rx,hx,1,bx1) call bspl(ry,hy,0,by0) call bspl(ry,hy,1,by1) fdx=0.0D0 fdy=0.0D0 do 110 j=0,3 do 120 i=0,3 ij=ipx+i+(ipy-1+j)*(mx+3) fdx=fdx+c(ij)*bx1(4-i)*by0(4-j) fdy=fdy+c(ij)*bx0(4-i)*by1(4-j) 120 continue 110 continue dxres=fdx-dfdx(id) dyres=fdy-dfdy(id) Rdx=Rdx+dxres**2 Rdy=Rdy+dyres**2 100 continue QRd=(Rdx+Rdy)/dfloat(nddt) QRdav=dsqrt(QRd) c return end c c//////////////////subroutine Jvalue//////////////////////////////////// c Evaluate the smoothness of final solution. c J(f) = m1 * J1(f) + m2 * J2(f) c = m1 * [double integral {(fx)**2 + (fy)**2} dxdy] c + m2 * [double integral {(fxx)**2+2*(fxy)**2+(fyy)**2}dxdy] c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Arguments used in subroutine c QJx : double integration of (fx)**2 c QJy : double integration of (fy)**2 c QJxx : double integration of (fxx)**2 c QJxy : double integration of (fxy)**2 c QJyy : double integration of (fyy)**2 c QJ1 : value of J1(f) c QJ2 : value of J2(f) c QJ : value of J(f) c/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// subroutine Jvalue(mxr,mx,my,pm1,pm2,hx,hy,c,QJx,QJy, & QJxx,QJxy,QJyy,QJ1,QJ2,QJ) implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) dimension ffix0(4),ffix1(4),ffix2(4) dimension ffiy0(4),ffiy1(4),ffiy2(4) dimension c(mxr) c wx=hy/hx/dfloat(mx*my) wy=hx/hy/dfloat(mx*my) wxx=hy/(hx**3) wxy=1.0D0/(hx*hy) wyy=hx/(hy**3) QJx=0.0D0 QJy=0.0D0 QJxx=0.0D0 QJxy=0.0D0 QJyy=0.0D0 do 100 j1=1,my+3 call integral(my,0,j1,ffiy0) call integral(my,1,j1,ffiy1) call integral(my,2,j1,ffiy2) j22=4 if( j22=my+4-j1 do 110 i1=1,mx+3 call integral(mx,0,i1,ffix0) call integral(mx,1,i1,ffix1) call integral(mx,2,i1,ffix2) i22=4 if( i22=mx+4-i1 call Jtmp(mxr,mx,c,wx,i1,j1,i22,j22,ffix1,ffiy0,QJx) call Jtmp(mxr,mx,c,wy,i1,j1,i22,j22,ffix0,ffiy1,QJy) call Jtmp(mxr,mx,c,wxx,i1,j1,i22,j22,ffix2,ffiy0,QJxx) call Jtmp(mxr,mx,c,wxy,i1,j1,i22,j22,ffix1,ffiy1,QJxy) call Jtmp(mxr,mx,c,wyy,i1,j1,i22,j22,ffix0,ffiy2,QJyy) 110 continue 100 continue QJ1=(QJx+QJy) QJ2=QJxx+2.0D0*QJxy+QJyy QJ=pm1*QJ1+pm2*QJ2 c return end c c//////////////////subroutine Jtmp////////////////////////////////////// c Calculate the double integration of partial derivative squared c using final coefficients matrix c. c Jx = ct * Ax * c c Jy = ct * Ay * c c Jxx = ct * Axx * c c Jxy = ct * Axy * c * 2 c Jyy = ct * Ayy * c c where ct is an inverse matrix of c. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Arguments used in subroutine c w : weight of element c i1,j1 : element position indicator c i22,j22 : indicator where is the limit of copy c QJ : double integration partial derivative squared c/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// subroutine Jtmp(mxr,mx,c,w,i1,j1,i22,j22,ffix,ffiy,QJ) implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) dimension ffix(4),ffiy(4) dimension c(mxr) c c ja=i2+(ia-1)+(j2-1)*(mx+3) c i = i1 c i'= i1+i2-1 c j = j1 c j'= j1+j2-1 do 100 j2=1,j22 do 110 i2=1,i22 tmp=w*ffix(i2)*ffiy(j2) ia1=i1+(j1-1)*(mx+3) ja1=(i1+i2-1)+((j1+j2-1)-1)*(mx+3) if(ia1.eq.ja1) then QJ=QJ+c(ia1)*tmp*c(ja1) else QJ=QJ+c(ia1)*tmp*c(ja1)*2.0D0 if(( then ia2=(i1+i2-1)+(j1-1)*(mx+3) ja2=i1+((j1+j2-1)-1)*(mx+3) QJ=QJ+c(ia2)*tmp*c(ja2)*2.0D0 endif endif 110 continue 100 continue c return end c c//////////////////subroutine cfout///////////////////////////////////// c Output the DEM for optimal surface f(ig,jg) and/or the final c coefficients matrix c to defined files. To generate the DEM, c set the output region and coordinates of grid points (xg(ig),yg(jg)). c Output parameters are as below. c c ----------(150,100) c | | | | In the case of c |----|----|----| xmin,xmax=0,150 c | | | | ymin,ymax=0,100 c (0,0)------------ mx,my =3,2 c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Valiables c *ming,*maxg : edge of the output region c nxg,nyg : number of grid points c xg(nxg),yg(nyg) : grid points c dx,dy : interval of grid c f : final solution c/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// subroutine cfout(mxgrd,mxr,xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,mx,my,hx,hy,neq,c) implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) dimension xg(mxgrd),yg(mxgrd),f(mxgrd,mxgrd) dimension c(mxr),bx0(4),by0(4) character*80 flg,flo c write(*,*) write(*,10) 10 format("#####Output result to files#####"/ & "File name for DEM or no (skip) = ",$) read(*,11) flg 11 format(a80) if((flg.eq."NO").or.(flg.eq."no").or.(flg.eq."No")) goto 400 c write(*,12) 12 format("Output region : x(min),x(max) = ",$) read(*,*) xming,xmaxg if(( goto 999 write(*,13) 13 format(" : y(min),y(max) = ",$) read(*,*) yming,ymaxg if(( goto 999 write(*,14) mxgrd 14 format("Number of grid Nx,Ny must be =< ",i4/ & " : Nx,Ny = ",$) read(*,*) nxg,nyg if(( goto 999 if(( goto 999 c c----------Calculate the interval of grid------------------------------- dx=(xmaxg-xming)/dfloat(nxg-1) dy=(ymaxg-yming)/dfloat(nyg-1) c c----------Calculate the coodinates of grid points---------------------- do 100 i=1,nxg xg(i)=xming+dfloat(i-1)*dx 100 continue do 110 i=1,nyg yg(i)=yming+dfloat(i-1)*dy 110 continue c c----------Calculate the height value f(ig,jg)-------------------------- do 200 ig=1,nxg do 210 jg=1,nyg ipx=dint((xg(ig)-xmin)/hx)+1 ipy=dint((yg(jg)-ymin)/hy)+1 if( ipx=mx if( ipy=my rx=(xg(ig)-xmin)/hx-dfloat(ipx-1) ry=(yg(jg)-ymin)/hy-dfloat(ipy-1) call bspl(rx,hx,0,bx0) call bspl(ry,hy,0,by0) f(ig,jg)=0.0D0 do 220 j=0,3 do 230 i=0,3 ij=ipx+i+(ipy-1+j)*(mx+3) f(ig,jg)=f(ig,jg)+c(ij)*bx0(4-i)*by0(4-j) 230 continue 220 continue 210 continue 200 continue c c----------Output DEM--------------------------------------------------- lu=60 open(lu,file=flg) write(lu,*) nxg,nyg,xming,yming,dx,dy do 300 i=1,nxg write(lu,*) (f(i,j),j=1,nyg) 300 continue close(lu) c 400 write(*,15) 15 format("File name for optimal surface"/ & " or no (skip) = ",$) read(*,11) flo if((flo.eq."NO").or.(flo.eq."no").or.(flo.eq."No")) return c c----------Output the optimal surface----------------------------------- lu=61 open(lu,file=flo) write(lu,*) mx,my,xmin,ymin,hx,hy do 410 i=1,neq write(lu,16) c(i) 16 format(E16.9) 410 continue close(lu) return c 999 write(*,99) 99 format("Invalid parameter input.") stop c end